
Bump, a central hub for internal APIs and microservices. Up-to-date API docs, change management, and API discoverability. Think GitHub, for APIs.

How would you best describe your company/business in a few words?

Bump, a central hub for internal APIs and microservices. Always up-to-date API docs, change management, and complete API discoverability. Think GitHub, for APIs.

Can you briefly introduce the team?

Sebastien Charrier: Former dev. Worked in api for 10 years. Idea behind bump was born by breaking an api at captain train.

Christophe Dujarric: head of product marketing - former blackfire & platform.sh. The one that most of developers know. Present in all dev.

Florent Braure : lead ENG - always moving. Nothing can stop him. Designed the technical infrastructure.

Can you elaborate on what you do? 

People can document APIs automatically, however, the technology used.

They’ve rethink the process of documentation. It used to be static (it was just like a static webpage) it is now dynamic, and linked Github, Slack or emails.

They identify what changes in API, people can see what happened and know how to react (eg: a breaking change happened, it could compromise the use of the API for third party: are you sure you want to proceed?), and people can collaborate. 

Why does your solution matter? And why today? 

API is eating the world. In 2022, there were 200m of API, several billions in the next few years. As an illustration, 58% of all dynamic traffic processed by Cloudflare is API-based. 

Can you tell me where the idea came from?

In his previous venture (Capitain Train), his job (lead dev on the payment api) involved to rewrite the API. And he broke the API during around 20 minutes because he made a breaking change. The only issue was the fact that they forgot to prévenir another team before making the change.

At that time it was difficult. But then OpenAPI, which structured standards for APIs arrived, and made possible to build a product that fed on API schemes and automatise the production of the documentation and check if there is any change on the API.

Can you mention a couple of clients and how they are using your product?

Forto, the German startup, is using more than 200 apis. They have been using bump as their single source of trust, plugged in all their apis and maintain all their API up-to-date in terms of documentation and change logs. One of the key reason of using bump was around onboarding new developers and ensuring that current developpers could find (you’d be surprise how many companies are rebuilding already existing micro-service) and use any micro-services.

Aviobook - Migrating from SwaggerUI to Bump.sh for their internal and partner APIs. Hub with precise access management to invite their customers to their API doc portal, and changelog to communicate API changes with them and get feedback. Complet case study.

You can discover other use cases on their webpage.

Can you tell me about some achievements and challenges your’re meeting?

Building a very strong team is clearly his biggest achievement, it was a key challenge, especially in a 100% remote team. They were the first able to support event-driven APIs.

Having users switch from SwaggerUI, Redoc or Stoplight to Bump.sh, due to a better UX is always heartwarming.

The biggest challenge is keeping to build this cohesive and high-standard team, in a fully remote model. Finding the most efficient product-market fit is naturally the second biggest challenge for a seed company.

What excites you the most about building a company in general and this company in particular?

What he loves about Bump: fixing a problem he met himself. Solving this issue at a large scale.

And more generally, starting with a small issue and making a change in market practice and people's behaviour is super exciting.
After that, building a sticky team of people really in love with what they do and how they do that in the long run is really something that matters to him. It was a dream since Uni.

How do you see the company in 8 to 10 years? 

We want to be the Github for API: become the very centre of the API ecosystem. 

What is the best way to contact someone in your team and become a user?

Hello@bump.sh - you will always get an answer from a human being

How can we stay updated on your journey? (newsletters, social media, other channels)?

Pick your favourite(s): Blog, Twitter, Linkedin